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Somehow automation got left on before I went AFK.  Dunno if that was a bug or my fault.  I did get a game breaking bug before the second ritual right after a flux where numbers went negative, eventually creating NaN on all but my last generator.  I don't think I can fix it without deleting the save file.

Like this? Just hit that bug myself I think, can't do ritual

game now causes negative multipliers by draining flux cubes, nan is back

(1 edit) (+1)

so I just soft-locked myself. if you use the ritual upgrade to get more primers you will soft-lock eventually. could add a limit to primers levels if you auto-fractal.


I've just spent like
2~ hours playing it

and I've reached the ceilling of how far you can upgrade

really cool and a nice way to spend the time

I was listening to a podcast and wanted to occupy my hands lol

i cant Play the game properly because the Layout is wrong.

I play on Windows with 1920*1080 Resolution.

(1 edit)

Hey there!
There does seem to be some kind of resolution error. I cannot recreate it at all with 1920x1080, although I am working on changes to resolution to hopefully get it playable for everyone! 
Sorry for the bug.

Edit: resolution errors should be mostly fixed in the next version, not all resolutions will be equal, but they should all be playable!


Thx, it works now =)